So this is all great so far, but the mark of a proper Deus Ex game is open-ended level design that gives every possible character build a way forward. Wanting to do a nonlethal run meant that I could ignore offensive weaponry and shielding in favor of dumping points into skills that would help me navigate environments quietly and efficiently, like being able to jump high or dampen the sound of my footsteps. Selecting these judiciously turns protagonist Adam Jensen, piecemeal, into a reflection of a person’s playstyle. It offers dozens of unlockable abilities ranging from hacking to invisibility to various forms of attack.
Its cybernetically enhanced (or “augmented”) main characters give players the toolsets to formulate multiple solutions to any problem, and the levels are like self-contained sandboxes, densely layered and full of optional routes - there’s always a hackable computer or well-placed ventilation shaft to help sneaky players avoid combat.ĭeus Ex: Mankind Divided, the direct sequel to Human Revolution, inherits the augmentation skill tree of its predecessor. Its claim to fame is that players can complete missions in whatever manner they choose – loud or quiet, deadly or nonlethal. Maybe this’ll eventually get old for me, but for now, I’m happy to live in a world where a new Deus Ex delivers what I want.ĭeus Ex is a cyberpunk role-playing franchise that looks and handles like a shooter, but doesn’t necessarily need to be one. As such, I’m fine with Eidos Montreal sticking to the same formula for a while since they’ve demonstrated such adeptness with the Deus Ex franchise. I consider it a minor miracle, then, that the series’ prequel-slash-reboot, Human Revolution, so successfully recaptured the spirit of the original game. Its first sequel, Invisible War, was developed by the same people, yet felt like the work of a team that had little idea of what made the original tick.

There was a time when we weren’t sure if we’d ever get another game worthy of the Deus Ex name. Spoiler warning: This review contains elements of a major plot twist in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. WTF The laughably hurried explanation for Adam having new augmentations. HIGH Picking up a turret and pointing it at a wall.